Brahman cattle all go back to the famous pure American Grey (Manso)
bloodlines consisting of Sugarlands Rexcrata, Sugarlands Loxacrata,
Sugarlands Suville, JMD Elefante Manso 226 and more recently
Mayronne, via the BOS Blanco herd. We breed early to medium maturing
cattle that are raised on tough Eastern Cape mixed sourveld, where
ticks and tick borne diseases are a serious problem. Our cattle are
well known for their constitution (ability to maintain condition and
reproduce under tough conditions), temperament, predictability and
ability to thrive wherever they go. As we are situated reasonably
far from our major stud markets, a fair number of potential stud
sires end up with commercial farmers in the Eastern Cape and Natal.
We have an annual bull sale in August each year, where we offer +-
50 Brahman and Beefmaster bulls. Our females are marketed mostly
with BOS Blanco females on various auctions up country throughout
the year. We are planning to market more potential stud sires on
these female auctions. |

Sugarlands Rexcrata |

Sugarlands Loxacrata |

Sugarlands Suville |

JMD Elefante Manso 226 |